$URL: svn+ssh://svn.igoweb.org/svn/kgs/trunk/html/changeLog-2008.txt $ $Revision: 9459 $ $Date: 2009-03-30 01:20:37 -0400 (Mon, 30 Mar 2009) $ Change Log for KGS server and CGoban client/sgf editor Legend: C13/C14 - Change made to CGoban client/sgf editor. CM - Change made to MIDP client. CGTP - Change made to GTP client. RE - Change made to resource editor. S - Change made to KGS server. W - Change made to web pages. S - Added some debugging code to track down an internal problem. ******************************************************************************* Changes from 3.3.24 to 3.3.23 All - Added Bulgarian translation. CGTP - Made constructor visible. ******************************************************************************* Changes from 3.3.22 to 3.3.23 (Released 2008-12-17) W - Fixed bug where user archives may take a very long time to get updated when the user is being viewed frequently. W - Fixed bug that would crash the tournament list web page when all players quit from the tournament. C14 - Fixed ctrl+L bug. C14 - Fixed "user info always acts changed" and "user info says it is too full when it isn't" bugs. W - Took out direct credit card payments. ******************************************************************************* Changes from 3.3.21 to 3.3.22 (Released 2008-02-15) C14 - Fixed the problem where some users are always told that their user info has changed. C14 - Updated Thawte code signing certificate. ******************************************************************************* Changes from 3.3.20 to 3.3.21 (Released 2008-01-14) C14 - Fixed issue with MOTD and underlining. S - Fixed escaper tagging issue. S,C14,W - Updated German and French translations. C14 - Fixed MOTD mangling issue. c14 - Fixed problem with clicking past the ends of lines and paragraphs that end in links. ******************************************************************************* For older change logs, see changeLog-2001.txt, changeLog-2002.txt, etc.